Active Directory Profiles

The HelpMaster Active Directory works by processing "Active Directory Profiles" that have been created.  These profiles are a grouping of Active Directory processing logic which contain the all of the information that is required to successfully synchronize your Active Directory database with your HelpMaster database according to your business rules.

Each Active Directory profile consists of the following things

  1. A profile name: This needs to be unique – two profiles cannot be given the same name
  2. One or more LDAP paths: These are the locations in the Active Directory where the service will look for the creation/update of clients. A number of different paths can be associated with a single profile however a minimum of one is required to be able to save the profile.
  3. Profile settings: These govern the activities you wish this profile to undertake (explained below)
  4. Actions that will be performed.  Available choices are:
    1. Create a new client
    2. Update an existing client
    3. Delete a client

There is no limit to the number of Active Directory profiles that you can create. Furthermore, each profile can be arranged in a processing order, as well as being "enabled" or "disabled" to provide greater control over how your Active Directory is processed.

See also

Active Directory service concepts

Active Directory System configuration

Working with existing accounts