System Codes

System codes are the codes that HelpMaster uses throughout the entire program and are usually the options that appear in various drop-down boxes on many of the screens.  The system codes define the context of your system because they give the different entities meaning when they are associated with them.

This screen is restricted to Administrators of HelpMaster.  Access is granted via Application Security Roles

system codes



Use this screen to create, update and administer all the system codes that are used throughout HelpMaster.  System codes define, classify and help organize your HelpMaster environment and configuration.


The following list show the different contexts in which the system codes are used.

Adding System Codes

  1. Open the System Codes screen by using the Administration menu > System Codes button
  2. Open the System code type tree by clicking on the +'s until you reach the category you require.
  3. Click on the node you wish the new System code to be placed under.
  4. Click on the New button.  This will open the New System Code screen.
  5. Enter the name of the code.
  6. Enter a description if desired.
  7. Click on OK.

The new System code has been placed in the tree under the Selected node.

Deleting System Codes

  1. Open the System Codes screen.
  2. Open the System code type tree by clicking on the +'s until you reach the System code to be deleted.
  3. Click on the Delete button. 
  4. Click on OK.

The System code has been deleted.

Modifying System Codes

  1. Open the System Codes screen.
  2. Open the System code type tree by clicking on the +'s until you reach the System code to be modified.
  3. Click on the Update button.  This will open the Edit System Code screen.
  4. Make the modifications required.
  5. Click on OK.

Sorting System Codes

Use the sort option at the bottom-right of the screen to adjust the sort order for each system code type.  Click "Apply Order" to save the changes.

System Codes PKID

Each system code has a unique database identity, known as its "PKID".  This number is used internally by HelpMaster to identify the system code.  This number is displayed at the lower-right corner of the edit screen.  This number can be used for custom SQL, report writers and system developers.

system codes unique ID


System Code Description

Whenever a system code is used throughout HelpMaster, when the user hovers over the code in a drop-down box, the description for that code is displayed in the bottom-left corner of the screen.  This assists the user to select the most appropriate code and gives a short description of what the code is.


system code description tooltip



See also

Custom fields overview

Custom user-defined data

Creating Custom System Codes

Assigning Custom Data to Entity Screen

Undefinied System Codes


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