Entity (Data) based Triggered Events

Use an Entity data based trigger when you want an event to occur when certain data criteria is met.  Think of an Entity data based trigger similar to an "If...This...Then...That" style processing logic.

The Type screen

Give the profile a descriptive name in the "Event Title".

Choose "Entity based".

Add details about what the profile does in the "Details" section.  It is good practice to document all of your HelpMaster configurations.  This will make it easier to maintain, upgrade and understand.


The Entity Search screen

This is the section of the profile where you tell HelpMaster what to look for.

Entity Type:  Select from the pick-list what entity type you are targeting with this Triggered Event profile.  Only one entity type per profile can be selected.

Field criteria options:  Use the field, operator and value controls to specify the search criteria for the entity.  Build up a search statement, and click "Add" to add it to the criteria list. All added fields will combine in the search using the AND operator only.

Show search results:  Click this button to display a list of entities that match the selection criteria you have defined.  Use this result list to understand what the Triggered Event profile will do.  Remember that this list only reflects what is current at the time of clicking the button.  This list may, and probably will change by the time the Automation Service runs the profile at a future time.


The Log Job screen

Check the "Log a Job using the following templates" if you wish to create a new job as part of this Triggered Event.  Once checked, select the appropriate job template.

Select a Primary Client to be used for the newly logged job.  If the Job Template already has a linked client, it will be over-written with the one specified here.


The SQL screen

Check "Execute this SQL Statement" if you wish to run a custom SQL script against each entity that is returned by the selection criteria.  This feature should only be used by advanced users with knowledge of SQL and the HelpMaster database schema.  Use this option with care.

Use the "Insert EntityPKID tag" button to insert a token into your custom SQL.  When the SQL is executed at the server, this token will be replaced with the unique ID of the entity(ies) that is/are being processed.


The Alerts screen

Check the "Add an Alert to the Entity" checkbox to add an alert to each entity that is returned by your search criteria.

Fill in the alert details as per a regular Alert.  See Alerts for further details about this.


The Email Settings screen

Specify an email account that this profile should use for sending any email.


The Properties screen

Use this screen to view meta-data about the Triggered Event profile and to add / view / edit the profile notes.


The Reset Profile option

If the "Reset Profile" button is clicked the following reset actions will occur to this current profile only.


See also

Date based triggers

The  Priority Manager