Triggered Events Overview

Triggered Events is a feature of HelpMaster that allows you to create rules that are either time-based, or data-based, and then have events occur when these trigger points are met. 

Time-based triggers

Time based triggers can be a set point in time, or at a recurring interval.  Good for getting things done at specific, or recurring dates.  If your business has regular, recurring tasks that need to be done, or is bound by regulatory compliance that requires maintenance schedules, time-based triggered events will be of great interest to you.

Time-based triggers allow you to log jobs at such time-based intervals.

Data-based triggers

A data-based trigger is used to trigger an event when a specific field belonging to an entity (Job, Client, Site, Asset, Knowledgebase Article) matches a pre-defined criteria.  For example, you may want to perform some event/action against an Asset whenever the "Warranty expiry date" for that asset has passed. Custom SQL search criteria may also be used to create these triggers.

Actions that can be performed

How does it work?

The Triggered Events feature of HelpMaster is a profile-based configuration, similar to the way the Email Manager and Priority Manager profiles are structured.  You create Triggered Event profiles using the HelpMaster Desktop application.  The actual actions performed are powered by the "Automation service" that is installed, configured and updated similar to the Priority Manager and Email Manager services.


See also

Priority Manager

Email Manager

Alerts Overview