Connectors and lines


Workflow Line

   Workflow line connector

Workflow lines and workflow line connectors are used to join workflow elements together.  Once a workflow object has been placed on the workflow designer, they can be connected by drawing a line between them.  Each workflow object needs to be connected to at least one other workflow object via a line.

Workflow line connectors are optional to use - they don't affect workflow in anyway.  Connections are just used to tidy the workflow canvas by providing a point in a line that can be re-positioned.


Joining workflow objects together by drawing a connector line between them.

Each workflow object has 2 or more connection points where they can be connected to other workflow items.

In order to join 2 workflow objects together, hover the mouse over the connection point of the object, and click.  A workflow line will appear.  Drag this line onto the connection point of the other workflow object.

connecting workflow objects


Split line

Sometimes it makes sense to split a connection line into one or more lines in order to clean-up the visual layout of the workflow.  By default, each workflow line takes a direct path between 2 objects.  Sometimes this means that the line will go right through another object or line, making the flow cluttered, or unclear.  When you split a line, this is purely for cosmetic purposes only - it won't affect the workflow at all.

Join line

Join line is the opposite of split.  If you have a line with a connector in it, you can remove this easily by right-clicking on the line-join dot, and select "Join Line".  This will remove the connector dot, and join the lines in its place.  Like Split, this is purely cosmetic only - it won't affect the workflow at all.

workflow connector join lines

See also

Workflow Objects

Workflow Groups