Job Template Administration

The administration of job templates is subject to the security permissions assigned to the logged-in user.

Job templates are a core-part of HelpMaster configuration.  It is highly recommended to adopt a tight naming convention when creating templates.  This will assist in future maintenance, identification and use.


Fill in any part of the job template that you wish.  Not all fields need to be filled in - these can be supplied later by the person using the template.  Consider also using undefined codes.  If the template is intended for use by any of the automation services (Email Manager, Recurring Events etc), then all of the mandatory fields must be filled in.

Remember that logging a job is a 2 step process - logging the job, and then using the action screen to assign it.  You can nominate an action template that will be used when logging this job.

The Links tab

Use the links tab of the template job to associate clients, assets, actions to do (action templates), knowledge base articles and key words to a job.


The Workflow tab

Use the workflow tab of the job template to describe the business processes that should be performed for this job type.   See Workflow

template job process workflow

The Options tab


Time Options

Use this section to automatically set the "To be completed by" date for a job.  For further details about this, refer to Job Templates and the To Be Completed By date



User must update the Details when logging a new job: When checked, the user must change the details from the original text in the template before logging the job.

User must update the Summary when logging a new job: When checked, the user must change the summary from the original text in the template before logging the job.


The Web tab


Web Options

Hide the attachments upload button.  Hides the Upload attachment button on the log job screen.


Web Entry Form

Show as web entry form when this template is used  Check this to remove the summary and details text boxes when this job template is used on the web portal.  This setting only affects the web portal.  This option is preferable if the job template contains one or more web-enabled control sets that are used to capture the job information.  At the job template level, these values can still be pre-filled, and they will be transferred into the job, however the end-user will not see these on the web-portal.


The Properties tab

The properties tab displays meta data about the template.  Also included is a notes section. Use this to record information about the template.  Text entered here will be displayed in the Template Information dock panel.

The Custom tab

Custom details that are filled in at the template level, will be transferred to the job when it is logged.

The Dependencies tab

Ues the dependencies tab to easily see the relationship the job template has with other templates and processes within HelpMaster.

Creating a new Template

  1. Open the job templates search screen by selecting Job templates from the Templates menu.
  2. Click on the New button.
  3. Enter a title for the template.
  4. Select a priority, job status and type, contact type and issue for the template.
  5. Enter any details, links, settings etc.
  6. Click on OK.

Updating a Template

  1. Open the job templates search screen by selecting Job templates from the Templates menu.
  2. Select the required template, by using the search facilities of the screen.
  3. Click on the Update button.
  4. Make the necessary changes.
  5. Click on OK.

Deleting a Template

  1. Open the job templates search screen by selecting Job templates from the Templates menu.
  2. Select the required template, by using the search facilities of the screen.
  3. Click on Delete.
  4. Click on Yes in the confirmation message box which will appear.

When creating job templates, make sure that you have already made the email and action templates that you wish to link to it


See also

Undefined codes

Subscribing to templates

Template Information dock panel

Triggered Events automation


Web Portal

Web Enabled Control sets (Linking controls sets to a Job Template for use on the web portal)