Company Timeline

27 years is a huge milestone for any software company, and we’re proud to say that we’re still at it, and going strong.

PRD Software started in 1997 in Canberra Australia, and has focussed solely on developing and providing professional services for our service management software HelpMaster. We’re still a privately held company, and we’re still based in the nations captial city.

Thank you to our clients, friends and partners! Together we’ve made this happen!

Here’s a summary of our timeline.

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2024 - New major version of HelpMaster v24 released

Lots of improvements in the web portal, workflow, automation and performance. Businesses have embraced Enterprise Service Management (ESM) and the web request catalog and workflow is a huge hit. The new ‘OnCreate workflow’ event is a huge leap forward in business automation and orchestration of workflow.


2022 - New documentation site launched

The new HelpMaster documentation site goes online and continues to impprove with more and better content, better searching, hyperlinking and integration into both the Desktop and Web Products


2020 - Pandemic!!

Work from home = web portal.

The world changes. HelpMaster upgrades and sales spike as businesses looking for web-based solutions for their work-at-home workers increases.


January 2019 - HelpMaster v19 released

Major Web portal, Workflow and Change Management Improvements. PowerBI reporting


May 2017 - PRD Software and HelpMaster 20 years anniversary.

20 years of product development, evolution and refinement. We still have some of our first clients using HelpMaster! Thank you to all of our clients, partners, staff, industry friends and fellow vendors for a great 20 years in the ITSM space. We’re looking forward to continued growth, product development and increasing our push into the Enterprise Service Management. Still a privately held Australian company


2019 onward - HelpMaster worfklow

Workflow and process has really become a core feature of HelpMaster, and every new release of HelpMaster delievers more workflow objects, refinements and capabilities. We’re excited to see what our client are building with HelpMaster, and it’s driving development faster than ever.


2012 - 2018 - CEBIT Australia Conference

We have loved exhibiting at CeBiT and other conferences around the country. Conferences like these give us a change to get out of the office, catch up the clients, showcase the lastet in helpdesk software and make new friends.


2013 - ANU International Business Competition

PRD Software work with the Australian National University for their International Business Competition. Marketing plans and strategies are developed for increased sales in Singapore, USA, Europe, Australasia and South Africa.

PRD Software have regularly taken on ANU interns as part of their out-reach to local businesses.


2009 - 2013 - Constant releases of HelpMaster

HelpMaster continues to develop and PRD Software work on developing features that clients want to see in the software.


2009 - PRD Software exhibits at the ITSMFA national conference in Canberra, Australia

Our hometown event. PRD Software and HelpMaster would go on to exhibit at other ITSMFA events - in person, online and in the media


2007 - 10 Years of PRD Software and HelpMaster!

Over 50 Countries, 1000’s of clients HelpMaster is being used in organizations of all shapes and sizes. Government agencies, schools and education, hospitals, medical facilities, banking and insurance, aged care, public and private business Use-cases include IT Helpdesk, Software bug tracking, Customer Relationship Management, General tasking and ticketing


2007 - Winner of ACT Chief Ministers Export Awards

Winner of a local government export program for global sales and export of HelpMaster for Canberra-based company.

International sales are always exciting, and keep our development, support team and partners engaged!

HelpMaster is multi-lingual capable, multi-timezone aware and can greet you in a range of languages.


2004 - PRD Software is a Microsoft Certified Partner

ISV Competency. PRD Software and HelpMaster is independantly verified to comply with best-practise development and coding standards. To this day, we specialize in Microsoft tools and technology as the development platform for HelpMaster.


2001 - HDI PACRIM Helpdesk Conference

Royal Pines Golf Course, Gold Coast, Australia. PRD Software would go on to exhibit at the HDI Australia event for the next 10 years. ITIL appears in Australia through Pink Elephant booth.


January 2000 - HelpMaster v5 released

HelpMaster sales are booming, post Y2K and the transistion from helpdesk to ITSM starts to emerge.


December 1999 - Y2K!

The IT world did not end. The pre-Y2K sales boom in Information Technology infrastructure and software modernization accelerate HelpMaster sales and growth internationally.


September 1998 - PRD Software attend the HDAA launch

The IT support and helpdesk industry starts to take off in Australia. PRD Software attend the inaugural Helpdesk Association Australia meeting held in our hometown of Canberra.

Like PRD Software, HDAA is still going strong and provide a range of training and services for the service-desk industry.



July 1998 - HelpMaster 3 released

World-wide sales reach > 500 customers! We’re off to a great start. Helpdesk software is booming!


January 1997 - PRD Software is registered as a private Australian company

HelpMaster goes to market as a flexible and essential helpdesk software package.

First sale to Taranaki Polytech, New Zealand!

Let’s go!